Emerald Computers can take your marketing to the next level. In this economy you need to have every advantage you can get, and your old marketing may not be cutting it. We have many tools that you can use to bring your marketing up to the next level.
Social Media is a major part of business success for most businesses. Watch this video to see just how big it is.
Copy Writing, Text is the main art of sales, you need to know how make people flock to your company and be fanatical customers. You know, the kind that are very loyal and tell everyone about how great your company is.
We can create custom graphics for your company, we can create a logo for your company, create flyers and pamphlets and anything else you need.
Customer follow-up, once you have a lead you need to follow up with them and be pushing them closer to a sale. And once you have a sale you need to remind the customer of why they like to do business with you, we will show you ways to automate this entire process helping you get more revenue from each customer.
Blogging. We can show you and your company how to make the most of blogging and to get new customers who are eager to do business with you. Blogging allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your field. It lets people read about your company and your products and it makes them eager to do business with you, they feel that they already have a relationship with you after reading. We will show you how to start a blog, how to drive traffic to it and how to keep it updated. If you don’t have time to keep it updated we even can provide a ghost writer to keep it up to date.
We can design the copy and graphics that make your business pop. Here are some flyers we recently did for the Arizona Republican Party: