Of all the things that Emerald Computers does, business consulting is the favorite of Jason, our owner. We will show your business how to use technology better. We formed Capital Active with business consulting as one of our main focuses. Jason loves to go into a business and look at it with an expert, unbiased eye and come up with great ideas to grow and expand that business. We can show you how to be more efficient with the money, personnel and assets you have. We can help you come up with a marketing plan or a growth plan. We can help you cut cost, and increase customer retention.
You will be surprised at how little we charge in comparison to how much we will help your business. To take all of the risk out of it we can give your business a 1 hour free consultation. If you choose to hire us we offer a “Triple Your Money Back Guarantee” This means that we will show you ways to save or earn triple our fee in the first year, and if it does not happen we will give you a full consultation service again for free.